Yolanda Fernandez says that the regional government is holding back year after year the settlement of the RM-15 and urges the Ministry of Development to enable the exit as soon as possible, also to contribute to the development of farms and businesses in the area
The Socialist Parliamentary Group has tabled a motion in the Regional Assembly for an exit from the A-33 towards the RM-15 road, known as the road to El Carche is enabled, just he has as indicated socialist MEP Yolanda Fernández .
According to Fernandez, the goal is to reduce this output is heavy traffic and avoid the risk of accidents.
"What we have done has been to echo the request that both the municipality of Jumilla, as businesses, agricultural organizations, business associations and neighborhood associations are asking the demarcation of roads," he explained.
The deputy of the Socialist Group said that the RM-15 road is in a "deplorable" conditions and that the regional government is delaying its basis year after year.
Therefore, in order to avoid the risk of accidents and contribute to the development both of the farms in the area and businesses, "we ask, and so we have done through a motion, to be encouraged through the Government regional ministry of Public Works as soon as possible this output is enabled. "