| The ordinary session in June was again in person, although with the established security measures | The June ordinary plenary session held last night approved an extraordinary credit of 400,000 euros that will be used to create a line of subsidies that will be used for business development on the occasion of the covid-19.
It had the support of the PSOE and PP, and the abstention of the Mixed Group.
Previously, the modification of the bases for the execution of the 2020 Budget was approved with the favorable vote of the PSOE and PP, and with the abstention of the Mixed Group, which reforms the amounts of the subsidies nominated by name. Likewise, a credit transfer was approved (4/2020) through which the subsidies to the Red Cross and Caritas, as well as for the Collection Service, will be increased, eliminating 62,272.57 euros in the local festivities.
It had the support of the PSOE and PP and the abstention of the Mixed Group. At the June plenary, two motions were presented, of which the proposal of the Mixed Group for the installation of a drive-in cinema and the realization of a program of cultural activities in the open air was unanimously approved.
In addition, with the abstention of the Mixed Group, an amendment to replace the third point presented by the PSOE was approved, requesting the collaboration of the IES Archbishop Lozano to project the shorts of the editions held of its national contest. The motion presented by the PP on the establishment of certain social protection measures against the Covid-19 in terms of conciliation, in anticipation of different scenarios for the return of the students, was rejected with the negative vote of the PSOE and the favorable vote of the PP and Mixed Group.
to classrooms in September. On the other hand, the modification of the regulatory bases that are to govern the calls for the granting of transport subsidies to universities and other educational centers located outside Jumilla was unanimously approved, adapting some issues to current legislation. There was unanimity to approve the award of lots 1 and 2 of the municipal building cleaning services contracts to the companies Onet Iberia Soluciones and Limcamar for 1,013,657.97 and 104,426.22 euros, respectively. Three cases of extrajudicial credit recognition for a value of 53,450.70 euros were approved with the favorable vote of the PSOE group and the abstentions of PP and Mixed Group. Furthermore, the rectification of an error was approved unanimously in point 15 of the April plenary session on the ICIO rebate request, of the works license file 233/2019. In urgent matters, the local holidays of the year 2021 were unanimously approved, which will be on April 5 and December 27. Lastly, he became aware of the Mayor's resolutions, the judicial resolutions, the JGL agreement to rectify the liquidation of the 2019 Municipal Budget, as well as the Annual Financial Control Plan. After three ordinary and one extraordinary plenary sessions held electronically, the ordinary session in June was again in person, although with the established security measures.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla