| "the Jumilla City Council is neither being agile nor generous with the self-employed" | In these weeks we are checking the differences between public administrations in managing the economic consequences of the pandemic.The State is addressing a wide coverage of measures that have no precedent in terms of economic importance and regulatory changes with what has been done in any previous crisis.It is very likely that there will be some sector in which these measures are insufficient, but seeing that many measures are being adopted, we are sure that no one will be left without help.The Autonomous Community of Murcia has abandoned companies and the self-employed, there are no investments that are studying or proposing, nor is there any type of measure with hard cash to act against the economic effects.It must be remembered that employment plans, training and many active employment policies are the responsibility of the autonomous communities.These days the Treasury counselor himself is acknowledging that the recently approved budget is not enough to deal with the crisis despite the fact that it was finally approved this past week, sad conclusion, a budget that is no longer useful a week after it was approved.The Jumilla City Council is the closest administration and in which as a local political group we must focus our proposals and opinions more, we believe that it is being very agile and not very generous.With regard to companies and the self-employed, it is good that debts have been settled in this period and that provides them with liquidity, but they are outstanding debts and they are not new aid that will be necessary and essential.But when it comes to freelancers, small businesses and similar situations, our city council is not being agile or generous.Some city councils are already granting and entering into account to the self-employed aids via subsidy to self-employed that complement those given by the State.The city of Zamora (with a budget and a population that is three times that of Jumilla) has already ready and is using a game of 1,000,000 euros) so that perfectly our city could have even 300,000 euros available for this and for aid to families.It is perfectly possible considering the contracts that are suspended, the subsidies that are not going to be awarded and the expenses that are not being committed.In the opinion of IU Verdes, there has been time for these days to put figures and destiny in what the city council is going to help families, freelancers and companies and that, as in the aforementioned case, this aid was reaching the recipients .
Source: IU-verdes Jumilla