We deeply regret and express our condolences to all those families in which some member has died or is ill.There will be time to examine the management of all administrations, but we believe that the priority now is to tackle the health and social crisis.Regarding the management of the pandemic, IU Verdes Jumilla expresses its support for the central, regional and local administration so that between all of them and together with the entire citizenry, the figures can be improved as soon as possible.We believe that there are reasons for hope with days when there are no longer any new positives in the Murcia region like yesterday.The Autonomous Community of Murcia has abandoned the municipalities in a fundamental area, social services, which are a competence of the autonomous communities, where until now money has come only from the State.Only the arrival of money from the state contingency fund and the money released to local administrations by the State are committed and assured, leaving in evidence our regional administration that only clears balls outside.Regarding the actions of the city council and the aid for families, we believe that a fairly correct work is being done and in which what the autonomous community is not doing is being supplied, which unfortunately is a lot.We believe that it will be necessary to complement this aid and take money from the items that the City Council will no longer need to continue to shoulder, unfortunately, the "historical debt" that the autonomous community of Murcia has with the Jumillanos will increase.
Source: IU-verdes Jumilla / Foto: archivo