The mayor of Jumilla, Juana Guardiola, has made a new appearance today to update the different actions that are being carried out by the City Council in the face of the coronavirus crisis.
His first message was to thank the population for the example given this Easter.
"Jumillanos have shown that, despite the situation we are experiencing, the feeling for this party and those days, we carry it very much in our hearts. Between all of us we have maintained the illusion and we have lived them in a different, special way, although confined At home, we have played the drum, listened to our music, remembered the processions and other acts, and have been closer to our neighbors, sharing many moments with them from balconies and windows. "
He has thanked brotherhoods and brotherhoods, drummers, all musicians and Civil Protection, who has walked the streets carrying the sound of each day.
Signing of contracts for planned works
After the new extension of the State of Alarm, municipal personnel have been restructured, as the possibility of recoverable paid leave that was in the previous one disappeared.
Now it is possible to carry out training and to count it as work time for those who do not have enough load in their area or cannot support another.
"I remember that workers are available to citizens to answer any questions and make arrangements via electronic headquarters, email or telephone," he said.
The mayor has reported that, during these weeks, the activity in the Town Hall has continued as far as possible and contracts have been signed or are about to be signed to carry out the works of the Urban Town Re-paving Plan and Pedanías, Youth Center on the ground floor of the Market, Wine Interpretation Center, definitive electrical line for the supply of the Cerro del Castillo Industrial Estate and municipal premises of Cañada del Trigo.
"Ultimately, we try to paralyze the activity as little as possible, so that the municipality interrupts its improvements as little as possible for the benefit of all," he assured.
Campaigns to promote local trade and tourism
Juana Guardiola recalled that the economic measures that have been announced since March 20 are being finalized with the departments and it will be possible to find out how to materialize them in the coming days, and that "they will serve to help the sectors affected by this health crisis that also it becomes economical. "
The modification of the fiscal calendar and the streamlining of payment to suppliers are already a reality.
Likewise, it has highlighted the commitment of the Local Government to give a boost to local trade and tourism in the municipality, so it is already working from the councils and will have the associations involved to launch different campaigns and actions.
A cleaner Jumilla
On the other hand, Juana Guardiola has indicated that this week the cleaning of containers has continued, as well as the immediate vicinity of the commercial areas and health centers continue to be disinfected.
Periodically, the streets of both the urban area and districts continue to be pulverized, in collaboration with the farmers.
The next one still does not have a date because it will depend on the rains.
"If last week I asked that gloves not be discarded in the vicinity of shopping areas, this is asking the neighbors not to throw cigarette butts, bags, etc. from the balconies, since the cleaning staff is more focused on cleaning tasks. disinfection and can not spend the same time it used to clean streets and sidewalks. Let's all collaborate in having a cleaner Jumilla ", he added.
Likewise, it has reported that the Forest Brigades sent by the General Directorate of Emergencies have received training from the Army to disinfect interior buildings, and given the possibility that we have been offered, they have been asked to do it in the centers of Aspajvania.
More than 10,000 euros in protection material in the last week
Juana Guardiola has highlighted the work of the Department of Interior, Staff, Services and Gardens so that municipal employees have all the necessary protection in their tasks.
"From the beginning it has been a priority for us."
During the last week, another 100 FFP2 masks, 5,000 surgical masks, 4,500 gloves and hydroalcoholic gel have been purchased for a value of 10,669 euros, in addition to the previous ones.
New material donations
To the acquisitions by the City Council we must add the collaboration of people who continue to sew masks.
1,500 meters of fabric have been purchased, which have been altruistically cut by the company Fama de Yecla, through which another 8,000 masks will come out.
Likewise, the Julián Santos Lyric Company has donated 70 meters of fabric for making gowns, protective glasses have been made with 3D printers and 23 liters of hydroalcoholic gels from the Librilla Alma Secret company have been donated.
"We distribute all this material according to needs: to health workers, businesses, companies or people who need it. In addition, they will be carried in vehicles by security and Civil Protection agents so that they can be distributed to the population as needed."
6,000 masks delivered to workers
During the mornings yesterday and today 6,000 masks were distributed in Jumilla among the workers who rejoin their work activities.
The delivery has been made at the entrances to the municipality within the campaign of the Government of Spain with the collaboration of the municipalities to guarantee the health of the workers as something punctual, exceptional and to raise awareness of its use.
A joint device has been set up in which four Civil Guard patrols, three Local Police and one Civil Protection have participated.
The presence of the Army in Jumilla continues
The mayor of Jumilla has reported that the Army's presence in the municipality continues.
"During the last week they have been three days, in this case coming from the Cartagena Artillery Regiment, so again I want to thank their presence. In the absence of specifying the Civil Guard data, he has offered the Local Police data, which It has 223 complaints in 461 controls.
Once again, he congratulated the Local Police, the Civil Guard and Civil Protection for his work, "today especially to the latter for bringing enthusiasm to the children who are turning years these days."
24 infected in the municipality
The number of people infected in the municipality, according to the latest report of the Ministry of Health (April 13) is 24. "I ask again to people who are in isolation, for having symptoms that please stay home, that do not go out, they harm other people. If you need something, use the Social Services telephone. There they are provided with any help, food, medicine, waste collection, protection material, whatever is necessary, but not get out of your house, "said the mayor.
Juana Guardiola has once again thanked all the municipal health personnel for their work.
"Situations like the one we are experiencing make it more evident that strong public health is more than necessary."
Service to send teaching materials to students
The Department of Education is preparing, together with the teaching staff of the centers, the launch of a coordination service to deliver teaching materials to the students of the schools in the municipality with the aim of facilitating their continued training at home while the suspension of classes due to the health crisis to those students who have the necessary computer resources.
On the other hand, the mayor has stressed that Social Policy has not set a spending limit with the aim that everyone is served.
He recalled that of the 300 million euros that the Government of Spain has allocated to the City Councils in this area, the municipality of Jumilla corresponds to 104,155 euros.
In this sense, he regretted that the PP spokesperson "has manipulated this information, ensuring that this amount comes from the Regional Government. Clarify, in addition, that the dining room scholarships are being supported by the City Council, we only have the commitment that they will pay us the the first 17 days and it will also be through the Government of Spain. From the CARM they only sent us this morning a box of 100 gloves, 60 cloth masks and 36 ponchos that were not adequate to protect home help workers. "
Social Policy serves an average of 80 families per week
As for the data, the mayor has highlighted that an average of 80 families are being attended to per week and about 70 daily phone calls demanding attention from the Social Services Center.
Since the beginning of March, aid amounting to 33,609 euros has been managed.
"The figures of the dates prior to the Alarm State have tripled, which gives an idea of ​​the work carried out by the personnel in this area."
Grupo Hinneni has donated today more than 400 kilos of food and basic necessities that have been delivered to the Social Services Center to be destined for the Food Bank and to be distributed among the families that need it.
"Thank you all very much," reiterated the mayor.
Juana Guardiola has ended with words of thanks to all the cleaning, garbage collection, security and emergency personnel, to all the volunteers, companies and associations that are collaborating, as well as to the companies and workers that have their activity "Thank you to those who cannot maintain it, and to whom we must help to get out, as well as to the media to the citizens, whose behavior is exemplary. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla