The mayor of Jumilla, Juana Guardiola, accompanied by the councilor for Public Health and Social Policy, Antonio López, today made a new appearance to update the different actions that are being carried out by the City Council in the face of the coronavirus crisis.
His first message was to convey "confidence and optimism to overcome this critical moment that we have had to live".
He has assured that the main concern of the local government at this moment is "that no one is left unattended and for this we are working without looking at days and hours."
As in previous appearances, he has reiterated his thanks "to all the municipal staff who, through telework, are available to the public to resolve any doubts or procedures, as well as the staff who are in person, such as services, cleaning , social services, Local Police, which is in perfect coordination with the Civil Guard, health workers, all together. "
Likewise, he has had words of thanks to the volunteers of Civil Protection, the Red Cross, Caritas, farmers, companies and people who, in a private or collective capacity, are helping. "
Thorough cleaning of all municipal buildings
On the other hand, Juana Guardiola has indicated that this week has continued with the thorough cleaning of all the educational centers of the municipality, the dependencies of Services and Local Police.
Containers, as well as the vicinity of shopping areas and health centers continue to be disinfected daily.
He thanked the drawings placed by citizens in the containers to motivate the garbage collection staff, "a very tender gesture".
The City Council has requested the busiest shops through a letter, collaboration so that they ask their customers not to throw their gloves on the floor after making purchases in these essential establishments, "as it is observed that this continues to happen".
Periodically, the streets of both the urban area and districts continue to be pulverized with the coordination of the Councilor for Services, Francisco González, in collaboration with the farmers, to whom he has expressed his gratitude, as well as to the forest brigades sent on Sunday by the Directorate General of Emergencies and Highway Maintenance vehicles sent today by the Government Delegation.
The next general disinfection treatment is scheduled for next Sunday.
The cost of cleaning products today amounts to 24,000 euros, since the purchase of another 6,000 liters of hypochlorite has been added.
Acquisition of 7,000 new maximum protection masks
The purchase of 1,500 meters more of fabric to make masks is in process, as well as the acquisition of more gloves and masks.
5,000 of maximum protection have arrived and another 2,000 are pending.
The sanitary protection material has also been increased compared to last week by 500 masks donated by the Brotherhood of the Roll, 1,000 gloves and 45 liters of hydroalcoholic gel by the Cefusa company and a laundry located on Duque street has offered to disinfect municipal vehicles with ozone.
"Donations are distributed from the City Council, according to the needs that come from the citizens themselves," said the mayor.
More than 900 controls with 276 complaints
Local Police and Civil Guard continue to monitor compliance with the Royal Decree of the State of Alarm, with the collaboration of Civil Protection.
In addition, the mayor requested the support of the Army, which has already been to Jumilla on four occasions, through units of the Javalí Nuevo and Cartagena army.
Tomorrow his presence is scheduled again.
"I again thank the Government delegate in Murcia, José Vélez, for his full involvement," said the mayor.
To date, more than 900 controls have been carried out, which have meant 276 complaints for non-compliance with the Royal Decree.
Since last week there have been three arrests for gender violence.
"I remember how important it is to stay home, despite how difficult it is, so I would like to express my special thanks to families, young children and people who live alone, for their effort."
Police, Civil Guard, Fire and Services personnel try to make it more bearable, participating in "bringing enthusiasm to the children who are years old these days."
Likewise, Juana Guardiola, has once again asked that no hoaxes or messages that incite hatred be shared, "which represent the worst face of this crisis and makes us complicit, for which I ask for responsibility."
More than 1.4 million euros for payment to suppliers
Juana Guardiola recalled the total willingness of the City Council to process all the financial aid that the Government of Spain is implementing.
"We continue to streamline the management, approval and payment of invoices to suppliers to provide liquidity to their companies, having exceeded 1.4 million euros today," he explained.
Likewise, all the urgently needed aid continues to be attended without limit and the fiscal calendar has been modified, increasing the payment periods in taxes and fees.
"In addition, all City Council services are working hard to have an assessment of aid to companies affected by the closure according to the Royal Decree of the State of Alarm. We are waiting to see if there will be any higher level regulatory change to know how to proceed and in what amounts, having processed proposals from the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, "explained the mayor.
The first local authority has also regretted that the Regional Government has indicated that "they have no margin to help us, as we were told when we raised the mayors to the president that the CARM collaborate with the rates that the municipalities contribute to the Waste Consortium "
Work continues on specifying aid for fees and taxes such as garbage, water, land occupation, markets, public roads and commercial vehicle taxes or refund of fees for suspended activities.
The Department of Economy and Employment is studying together with the Association of Merchants the possibility of increasing items intended to promote actions that allow the revival of the commercial fabric of Jumilla as soon as possible.
On the other hand, he recalled that the FFP2 protection masks acquired by the Ministry of Transport and Mobility are available at the Jumilla Post Office to distribute among the self-employed and public road transport companies.
In Jumilla, specifically, a total of 526 have been assigned, which can be picked up at the Doctor Fleming street office, 2 from Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., extended until April 17.
21 people infected according to the last report
According to the report that is issued by the Ministry of Health every two days, in Jumilla there are 21 people infected by coronavirus.
Tonight they are scheduled to be released updated to today.
The Health Center has received more medical supplies and the City Council continues to collaborate in following up on people who should be in isolation, but still continue to go out.
More than 100,000 euros from the Government of Spain for social aid
The mayor, Juana Guardiola, recalled that the staff of the Department of Social Policy is working full time, maintaining and increasing all services.
In addition, it has reported that of the 300 million euros that the Government of Spain has allocated to the City Councils in this area, the municipality of Jumilla corresponds to 104,155 euros.
Food received from Banco del Segura has been distributed to 15 families and it is being processed with Cáritas to reach 12 other families with the aim of helping 80 people who are isolated and without means.
In the last week, 209 grants have been managed, 21 more than in the entire month of March, amounting to 16,780 euros.
Since March 1, the aid has totaled 31,000 euros.
"Whoever needs our help does not hesitate to call 968 716367," Juana Guardiola reiterated.
Easter from home
Finally, the mayor recalled the activities to live Holy Week from home, thanking the Central Board of Brotherhoods, the Cristo de la Sangre Drums Association, the Franciscan parents, the local priests, the music bands, for their collaboration. the Cornet and Drum Band Our Lady of Lamentations, Armaos del Cristo, El Prendimiento, Coral Canticorum, Civil Protection and the local media.
The mayor has finished her appearance thanking the companies that maintain their activity and facilitate our day to day, as well as the general public, "who is being a great example of responsibility, hoping that when this ends our society will be better" .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla