The mayor of Jumilla, Juana Guardiola, presented today, accompanied by the technicians of the CAVI, the activities organized by the City Council to commemorate the International Day against Gender Violence (25N) with the slogan 'We support you to be free'.
On Monday 18 (5:30 p.m. Social Services Center) the official presentation of the winners of the poster and video contest against Gender Violence will take place in which high school students have participated.
The posters will be exhibited from November 25 to 30 at the Roque Baños Cultural Center.
The winning poster presented today is the work of Iván Yuste, students of the IES Archbishop Lozano.
On Wednesday 20 (Vico Theater, 10 and 12 h) a children's storyteller will be held with the students of 5th grade.
For Thursday 21, a talk has been prepared for professionals given by the CAVAX team (Center for Comprehensive Attention to Victims of Sexual Assault / Abuse).
On Friday 22 a Youth Red Cross information stand will be installed on the "Love builds not destroys" campaign, at the door of the Vico Theater, from 7.30 pm.
Half an hour later, the winning video is projected in the contest of the Baccalaureate students against Gender Violence, as an act prior to the theatrical performance of the play "Before the mirror".
The activities will conclude on Monday 25 with the reading of the Manifesto against Gender Violence and a commemorative event that includes the laying of flowers, distribution of ties and musical offering by the Hypnos Association, all from 18 hours in the Monolith against Gender Violence, along with Civil Protection, on Liberty Avenue.
In parallel to the activities, two workshops have been organized.
On Thursday 21 and Tuesday 26, the Carlos García Pavilion (8 pm to 10 pm) will be given an Initiation Workshop for Female Personal Defense, aimed at any woman over 18 years of age interested and after registering on the phone 968 71 63 67. Monday 11, 18 and 25, the Women's Empowerment workshop (Roque Baños 18:30 to 20:30 hours) will be held, prior registration by calling 968 35 00 07.
In addition, during the month of November, talks have been prepared to disseminate the CAVI service to different groups.
Likewise, on October 25, the Local Bureau for the Coordination of Gender Violence met.
Center for Attention to Women Victims of Gender Violence
The CAVI is formed by a social worker, a psychologist and a legal advisor who provide comprehensive, personalized and free attention to women, offering individual and group treatment and providing the necessary support to get out of the situation of abuse.
Women who are cared for by the CAVI have an average age between 50 and 55 years, varying the age range between 14 and 70 years.
In the last period of service (since July 1) 39 new women have been treated, 245 files have been opened, of which 133 women have been treated and 331 interventions have been carried out by the three professionals.
Attention is also given on Monday afternoons to facilitate access to this resource for women who have difficulty, whether for family or work reasons.
Through the Atenpro Service (free telephone service of attention and protection for victims of gender-based violence) a geolocation technology and immediate attention to women is offered, with a quick response to possible aggressions.
There are currently 12 users who benefit from this resource, highlighting that it is essential to offer security to victims and prevent possible attacks by their ex-partners.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla