The mayor of Jumilla and president of the Association for the Regional Development of the Northeast Region of Murcia, Juana Guardiola, has received today at the City Council a local action group from Bulgaria, which also manages Leader Aid.
It is the GAL Biala Slatina, which has been constituted since last April and which has traveled with the aim of knowing the work that the Northeast Local Action Group develops, with 22 years of work in the management of aid and as international cooperation of exchange of good practices between European local action groups.
The visit has been led by Ivo Tsvetkov, mayor of Biala Slatina and in turn is president of the local action group, accompanied by its managing director, Lonko Lonkov, his technical team, local actors and communication staff.
The Bulgarian region to which the GAL-Biala Slatina belongs takes the same name as the group.
Aglutina diverse regions with a total of 25,000 inhabitants.
Given the similarity with Jumilla have shown much interest in learning about the initiatives that have been promoted through Leader in all its programs since its inception in 1996, both from the City and from private developers.
Biala Slatina bases its economy on agriculture, mainly around cereals, together with small craft industries in the loom sector.
Its main interest is to set the young population to its territory using as a first pillar to increase the added value of the local products of its region, which is essential through Leader.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla