The Municipal Budget for the 2018 fiscal year was initially approved last night at the extraordinary session with the positive vote of the PSOE, the abstention of the non-attached councilor and the opponents of PP and IU-LV.
A tie was made to the number of votes, but the budget went ahead by the vote of quality of the president.
The political groups carried out 35 full amendments, 22 of them by the non-attached councilor, 10 by IU-LV, one the PP and another the PSOE.
Eight of those presented by the council not attached and the PSOE were approved.
They will make a donation of 1,000 euros for the AECC, 15,000 euros for studies and technical work for the installation of solar energy in the Indoor Pool, 5,000 euros for the shade of the courtyard of the CEIP Miguel Hernández, 10,000 euros for furniture in the Municipal Library and other 10,000 for its air conditioning, 12,000 euros for the adequacy of the Supply Market, the study of the modification of the electrical installation of the Popular University and an increase of 10,000 euros of the subsidy for the School of Football.
The one presented by the PSOE is a technical modification that changes a chapter item.
The total amount of expenses of the approved budget amounts to 20,237,393.19 euros, an amount very similar to that of last year 2017 and the previous ones.
It contemplates a new commitment to Social Services with special attention to the most vulnerable groups, increasing by almost 100,000 euros the total investment in the area with respect to the previous year, now standing at 1,554,907 euros.
110,000 euros have been allocated to aid of urgent need and some direct subsidies have been increased and consolidated, such as that of Cáritas that doubles, making a total of 120,000 euros for groups with social purposes, as well as 30,000 for a new phase of the Plan of Accessibility.
Investments are destined 1,182,800 euros, to which will be added others that may be executed through the surplus of 2017. They highlight 105,000 euros for the construction of new niches in the Municipal Cemetery, 75,000 euros for vehicle leasing, 20,000 for improvements in road trees, 30,000 euros for rural roads, 50,000 euros for street and squares, 10,000 euros for street furniture and another 150,000 for the preparation of the Wine Museum.
Likewise, technological modernization will continue for which 120,000 euros will be allocated.
The districts will again be one of the strong bets of the local government with a game of 100,000 euros.
The 2018 Budget maintains an important amount destined to subsidies, standing at 1,430,487.41 euros, giving economic coverage to a large number of sports, cultural, social, health, festive, musical, environmental and educational groups.
The game of local festivities will again be 145,000 euros, increasing the subsidy that receives the Harvest Festival and creating a new one for the Peña Caballista.
In Education, there will be 50,000 euros for the maintenance of schools, while the bonobus, school material aid and FAMPA grants reach 135,000 euros.
The total amount allocated to Youth has risen by 50% compared to last year.
The Participatory Budgets will once again be an essential and basic pillar in this legislature as a key tool for municipal life.
150,000 euros have been allocated so that citizens can choose again in what they invest.
As for Personnel, it is planned to draw a wide offer of public employment that will become 25 civil servant positions, as well as face the expected salary increase, which could reach 1.75%.
Press conference
In the press conference offered this morning, the mayor, Juana Guardiola, has ensured that the amendments approved "enrich the budget."
Likewise, he added that "it has been presented later than expected, not on a whim, but because of the need for service and lack of technical staff in key positions for the draft."
In addition, it has clarified that in these months in which the budget was extended "there has been a high degree of execution and compliance with it, so we show that we have not stopped managing the municipality and governing responsibly, since only the items that are not renewable by law were blocked ".
For its part, the councilor of Finance, Alfonso Pulido, has indicated that the approval of this budget gives stability to all the management that is being carried out by the Government.
"We are surprised by the unresponsive attitude of PP and IU-LV in saying no to a series of improvements that have a direct impact on citizens, such as investments, grants, subsidies and agreements, as well as participatory budgets."
The Municipal Budget must be published for 15 days in the BORM and if it does not receive allegations, it may enter into force.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla